
Is our Core Competence

Our commercial activities are supported

by investments in own logistics assets as our philosophy is to control the most critical processes of the supply chain and to provide the best services to our suppliers and customers. With third party logistics providers, such as for barge and other transports, we have a very long history of partnerships and co-operations which are also backed by regular assessments and communication in order to continuously improve the services and safety standards

Offshore Vessel

Our Liquid Sulphur vessel which mainly operates within Europe and from Europe to North Africa is named “Sulphur Genesis” (3,850 MT loadable).  It is a Liquid Sulphur vessel owned by the Mitsui Group and operated by Aglobis GmbH in Essen, Germany

Storage terminal

The Aglobis Rotterdam terminal was built in 1972 for the purpose of importing mined Sulphur from Poland, smelter Acid from Scandinavia and phosphoric acid from various origins for the local fertilizer industry in and around Rotterdam. Today the terminal is still handling Liquid Sulphur and Sulphuric Acid on behalf of Aglobis AG and Aglobis GmbH, but phosphoric acid was replaced by caustic soda in the early 80s and stored for third party clients. The total terminal storage capacity is over 90’000 tons.

We also offer lay-by services.

Aglobis B.V. is responsible for the technical & operating management of the terminal and specifically for the following:

  • delivery of all products will be guaranteed 24/365
  • operational planning for both Aglobis AG and direct customers
  • contact with its stakeholders and local authorities
  • keeping environmental & operating permits in place
  • long term and day to day safety for employees, contractors and visitors
  • project support for Aglobis AG and the Aglobis and Mitsui Group

The Rotterdam terminal has 23 consecutive years without reportable incident.

Certification Aglobis Group

Responsible Care 14001/ISO 14001
ISO 9001
ISPS certified
PFSO 2 certified persons

Truck and Rail Car fleet

Ruhrtrans GmbH based in Essen, Germany, is a 100% subsidiary of the Aglobis Group with truck locations in Schwedt, Karlsruhe and Bochum-Wattenscheid. On behalf of Aglobis, Ruhrtrans transports Liquid Sulphur and Sulphuric Acid with its truck and rail car fleet.

With Ruhrtrans we have in-house technical expertise and support for our business partners in technical questions for transport equipment, discharge and loading stations, investment projects and safety measures.

Certification Ruhrtrans GmbH

ISO 9001

Find out more about us!


Aglobis AG
Grienbachstrasse 17
6300 Zug


Aglobis GmbH
Friedrichstraße 47
45128 Essen

The Netherlands

Aglobis B.V.
Moezelweg 75
3198 LS Europoort RT
Harbournumber 5530
The Netherlands

Copyright © aglobis 2025. All Rights Reserved.


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